a training program was opened under the umbrella of the AWARE initiative at the African Center for Water and Climate Adaptation (PACWA), entitled Flood Risk Management

Within the framework of the effective training center’s role in cooperating with relevant authorities and organizations, and in light of the cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, represented by the Egyptian Agency Partnership for development (EAPD), a training program was opened under the umbrella of the AWARE initiative at the African Center for Water and Climate Adaptation (PACWA), entitled Flood Risk Management. (Flood Risk Management) during the period from January 14-25, 2024, for 22 trainees from 16 African countries as follows: (Somalia - Ivory Coast - Namibia - Sierra Leone - Chad - Madagascar - Guinea Conakry - Cameroon - South Sudan - Ghana - Burkina Faso - Zambia - Mozambique - Malawi - Comoros - Gabon)

The program aims to provide participants with the necessary skills to manage flood risks, including types of floods, the impact of climate change on flood risks, and practical applications using hydrological modeling programs and early warning systems.

The training is conducted by a group of Egyptian experts from Cairo University, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, the Water Resources Research Institute, and the General Meteorological Authority.